JFSLA Newsletter - August 2021

JFSLA Newsletter - August 2021

JFS Care: Professional, Compassionate, and Reliable In-Home Care

When it comes to finding the right home care for yourself or a loved one, you want the absolute best. At JFS Care, we are dedicated to providing the best home care in the greater Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley areas.  JFS Care has a strong reputation for providing the highest quality and most reliable compassionate care. We care for each client as we would a member of our own family, embracing new technology, and striving to be a community resource on aging care information and options.

JFS Care has added two new services for family caregivers of seniors: Traditional Care Management and On-Demand Family Support. With Traditional Care Management, we offer in-person consultations and ongoing oversight where our professionals assess the situation and provide recommendations to keep the senior safe, comfortable, and as independent as possible. Professional care managers can also provide on-going monitoring to help advocate for the senior and keep their loved ones up to date. On-Demand Family Support is for families who prefer not to have in-person meetings or a home visit, but still want the benefits care management provides, such as being connected to an experienced care manager who can help prioritize concerns and create a plan that can be successfully implemented for their senior’s care. The focus of this program is on the family caregiver, supporting family to help them provide great support to their aging family member.

We work with our clients each day through tailored supportive services to find new ways to help caregivers achieve the best wellness outcomes for their loved ones.

JFS Care is a branch of Jewish Family Service LA, and we understand that life is full of transitions that can be made smoother with the help of a trusted partner. When the need for care arises, you need someone you can rely on to provide the best possible care and guidance. We are that community resource for families throughout the Los Angeles area.

To learn more about our senior home care services, contact us online or call us at (213) 383-2273.