January 2023
The JFS SOVA Community Food & Resource Program (JFS SOVA) has opened a pop-up pantry to distribute healthy groceries to individuals experiencing homelessness in West Hollywood. The pop-up pantry is open every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon and is located in Plummer Park near the West Hollywood Comprehensive Service Center.
JFSLA’s Life Skills Program, part of its Special Needs Services, has launched the Supported Volunteer Program for participants with diverse abilities and special needs interested in developing job skills.
Beginning in February, the Holocaust Museum LA will offer JFS Care’s caregiver staff a guided tour of the museum to help them learn more about the experiences of their clients who are survivors of the Holocaust and to help them understand how the trauma from their past impact who they are today.
The idea for the cookbook, which has been selling like hotcakes since it became available online in December, originated when the pandemic took away in-person fundraising events for the social services agency. BY MICHELE RAPHAEL DECEMBER 30, 2022 Jewish Family Service LA (JFSLA) has published a collection of recipes and family stories from 40 chefs, influencers and restaurants in…
December 2022
After learning that many JFSLA clients faced housing insecurity and were at risk of becoming homeless, Eileen Brown, a JFSLA Board member, set out to establish a fund that would help clients remain housed.
On November 13th, volunteers at the JFS SOVA Community Food & Resource Program (JFS SOVA) warehouse prepared 2,000 distribution bags in preparation for the annual Thanksgiving distribution, breaking the record for most packed bags in a single day.
In the last year, more than 235 volunteers were introduced to JFSLA through L.A. Works, a volunteer organization that mobilizes Angelenos to support nonprofits that are addressing critical community issues.
When the pandemic halted in-person events, JFSLA’s Young Leaders group thought of innovative ways to convene and continue fundraising for JFSLA programs. One of those ways was through hosting virtual cooking classes. The success of these cooking events sparked the idea for the creation of the Jewish Family Recipes cookbook.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (November 23, 2022) – On November 18th, Jewish Family Service LA’s (JFSLA) SOVA Community Food & Resource Program held its annual Thanksgiving distribution, providing Thanksgiving staples to more than 1,500 families. Every SOVA visitor received two chickens as well as a variety of Thanksgiving staples such as stuffing, mashed potatoes, canned green…
November 2022
On November 18th, the JFS SOVA Community Food & Resource Program will hold its annual Thanksgiving distribution, providing Thanksgiving staples to more than 1,500 families.
If you need fire related assistance, please visit jfsla.org/fire-assistance