
Valley Beth Shalom Early Childhood Center Students Give Tzedakah to JFSLA

Driving the missions of both Jewish Family Service LA and Valley Beth Shalom’s Early Childhood Center (VBS ECC) is the value of Tikkun Olam—repairing the world. This shared dedication to helping others motivated students and families at VBS ECC to successfully raise funds for JFSLA.

When VBS ECC staff learned about JFSLA’s impactful work from a parent, they decided JFSLA was the ideal organization to focus on for their school’s tzedakah project. Throughout the year, children and families contributed to tzedakah boxes placed around the campus. VBS ECC staff introduced the tzedakah project to their preschool and kindergarten students by showing photos and discussing how JFSLA supports our Los Angeles community.

“An integral part of our school philosophy rests on our belief that young children have the capacity to wrestle with big and complicated ideas,” said Abby Andiman Mars, Head of School at VBS ECC. “When our educators take the time to listen, and children feel that they are being heard, children begin to find their own voice and strength. What a blessing to be only four and know that your words have value and your actions have impact.”

Students were motivated and excited to give tzedakah each week. Ayla, a four-year-old student, shared her motivation by saying, “I bring money because I have some extra, and it might help someone I don’t know.”

To celebrate the milestone event of graduating and successfully raising funds for JFSLA’s vital services, the preschool and kindergarten students participated in their annual Trike-A-Thon, which also raised money for JFSLA. They raced to the finishing line as teachers, families, synagogue staff, and peers cheered them on.

“You can feel their sense of pride as they whiz by,” said Abby Andiman Mars. “Also powerful is to see our younger children peering over walls and peeking out from behind trees watching the ‘big’ kids pedal for tzedakah, often wondering aloud, “When will it be my turn.”