JFSLA Volunteers Gather In Person for Annual Town Hall

On February 23rd, JFSLA volunteers gathered in person for the first time in three years for the annual Volunteer Town Hall Meeting.
“To have the volunteers be together in person for the first time in three years is exciting,” said Joyce Williams, JFSLA Director of Volunteers and Training. “With so many JFSLA locations and programs, this is an opportunity for our volunteers to learn about other JFSLA programs, changes taking place, and new volunteer opportunities we have at the agency. We also want our volunteers to be able to connect with the larger JFSLA agency and community.”
The meeting was held at the JFS Gunther-Hirsh Family Center. For many volunteers, it was their first time in the new building. Randy Magnin, JFSLA Board Chair; Doreen Klee, JFSLA Board Secretary and Volunteer Department Chair; and Eli Veitzer, JFSLA President and CEO, discussed agency updates, the impact of JFSLA volunteers, and how JFSLA services interconnect to serve the Los Angeles population. Volunteers also had the opportunity to ask questions to help them learn more about the agency and the people it serves.
“The questions that the volunteers asked were very heartfelt, deep, and meaningful,” said Doreen Klee. “Having the leadership staff present to answer these questions and reflect on the thoughts of volunteers truly reinforced how valuable volunteers are and how much staff and leadership take to heart what the volunteers have to say. Volunteers are the lifeblood of what we do, and we could not do our work without them.”
Program updates were given by various staff members, including Kimiko Kelly, JFSLA Director of the Arts, Wellness, and Engagement Program; Stratton Harrison, Senior Nutrition Congregate Meal Supervisor; Susan Belgrade, Senior Director of Multipurpose and Senior Centers; Felice Resnick, SOVA Coordinator of Volunteer Services; Kitty Glass, JFS Hope Community Outreach Coordinator; and Lika Litt, Program Director of the Jona Goldrich and Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Centers.
“Every speaker was phenomenal and presented information about their specific programs in a comprehensive, informative, and concise manner,” said Leonard Shapiro, a JFSLA volunteer.
“What impressed me most is how well organized the wide range of services are throughout various locations in Los Angeles. My wife Shari and I are grateful for the opportunity to volunteer at the Jona Goldrich Multipurpose Center.”
Immediately after the event, many volunteers signed up for new volunteer opportunities in programs with which they had never before connected. “With the great turnout and overwhelmingly positive response from both volunteers and staff, it makes me very hopeful and excited about the return to in person volunteer events moving forward,” said Joyce. “It is clear the volunteers are ready and wanting it, evidenced by this event.”
To learn more about volunteer opportunities, please visit jfsla.org/volunteer.