JFSLA Unveils “Better Impact” Volunteer Database

Jewish Family Service LA relies on volunteers to help provide compassionate services to the people of Los Angeles. We are grateful for the 400 committed volunteers helping us assist clients throughout 20 programs. To support volunteer operations and better inform volunteers of opportunities, JFSLA has begun using Better Impact, a database tool for volunteers. Better Impact makes it easier for volunteers to sign up for shifts, update their personal information, input their availability, log and track their hours, and learn about other programs and volunteer opportunities.
For years, volunteers have received most updates through email. Although JFSLA will still be communicating with volunteers through email, this web-based platform will help them stay informed of the news at JFSLA, without worrying about a missed email. Now, through the Better Impact homepage volunteers can learn about upcoming events, news, and view JFSLA social media content. In addition, volunteers are now able to send and track emails to staff.
“All volunteers can keep up with our Twitter or Facebook accounts without being a follower or on social media,” said Joyce Williams, Director of Volunteer and Training. “Our volunteers are great at wanting to be well informed and this will be an additional way for volunteers to keep abreast of updates at the agency.”
Better Impact is also a great tool for volunteer coordinators, who now have access to volunteer information and will be able to track hours for reports and grants. Volunteer coordinators will also be able to see how many volunteers signed up for a shift or if the volunteer has canceled.
With Better Impact, JFSLA can search for volunteers that meet a specific need. For example, if JFS SOVA adds a pop-up pantry in Santa Monica and there is a need for a volunteer who speaks Spanish, we can run a report and narrow the volunteer candidates to those who live in the area and speak Spanish.
“To find a volunteer before, I’d have to go through emails and Excel sheets, but now all volunteer information is on Better Impact, so this will be very helpful when we need volunteers who have a specific qualification,” said Williams. “I am excited for the volunteers to be able to be more proactive in their volunteer experience at the agency.”
JFSLA is always in need of more volunteers. Our current greatest need is in the following areas: our newly reopened meal sites, the SOVA pantries, front desk volunteers at our West Hollywood Comprehensive Service Center, and greeters at the Jona Goldrich Multipurpose Center.
To learn more about JFSLA volunteer opportunities, please visit jfsla.org/volunteer or contact Joyce Williams, Director of Volunteers and Training, at 323-556-2928 or jmwilliams@jfsla.org.