United Talent Agency Volunteers at JFS SOVA

On June 2nd, United Talent Agency (UTA) employees volunteered at the JFS SOVA Community Food & Resource Program pantry in the Valley for their Project Impact Day of Service, an annual company-wide volunteer day in which all offices closed to allow employees to volunteer and support a local nonprofit in their community.
“Volunteering with Jewish Family Service LA is always a great experience,” said Desiree Flores, Director of UTA Foundation. “The work we do here at UTA is ultimately to bring entertainment and culture to our communities. We prioritize opportunities for employees to give back and engage with issues in the communities where we live and work.”
Nineteen UTA employees arrived at 9:30 a.m., completed an icebreaker, and met with JFS SOVA staff as well as Nina Tassler, immediate past Chair of JFSLA’s Board of Directors, who spoke about JFS SOVA’s impact in the community. “Many were interested in learning where the food we provide at the pantries originates from,” said Joyce Williams, JFSLA Director of Volunteers and Training. “Staff provided insight on the work behind the scenes, the various ways SOVA obtains groceries, preparing them for distribution, along with discussing new client intakes. Very thoughtful questions were asked by the group.”
UTA volunteers prepared more than 900 bags of grocery items that were distributed the following week to 475 clients. Volunteers also prepared over 100 bags of baby changing pads and hundreds of bags of plasticware which were distributed to unhoused clients.
“The UTA volunteers were extremely helpful, eager, and easy to work with,” said Felice Resnick, JFSLA SOVA Coordinator of Volunteers. “They really wanted to be helpful and felt good about the work that they completed.”
“Group volunteer opportunities help us talk about the work that JFSLA does, and how it really takes a village to meet the needs of our community,” said Joyce Williams. “They get to witness some of the many steps that go into providing our clients with groceries. Felice shared with the group how SOVA is experiencing an increase in clients from Ukraine recently. This is helpful in connecting volunteers to what they are hearing on the news, then being reflected in our community.”
Some UTA volunteers expressed interest to continue volunteering with JFSLA. One UTA employee asked how he could put his computer skills to use. To learn more about volunteer opportunities and how to make a difference in our Los Angeles community, please visit jfsla.org/volunteer.