JFSLA Debuts New Planned Giving Website

On February 24th, Jewish Family Service LA launched a Planned Giving website. Leaving a legacy gift to JFSLA is an opportunity for donors to communicate their values and hopes for the future. Legacy gifts help secure the future of JFSLA’s critical services and programs and help ensure that the agency will continue for generations to come.
Through this intuitive and user-friendly website, donors can learn more about choosing a personalized giving choice that fits their financial goals. Information is available on planned gifts such as real estate, charitable lead trusts, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed gifts, donor advised funds, appreciated securities, and more. The website also shares the stories of donors who have left a legacy gift to JFSLA and the impact such gifts have on our services and the people we serve.
To learn more about making a planned gift, please visit jfsla.planmygift.org.